COVID-19 Policy

Up-to-date 2/23/2022 for 2022-23 school year

We are very proud of the way our families, faculty, and staff behaved during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now time for CCS to recognize the virus’s endemic nature and respond appropriately. Effective Spring Semester 2022, Covenant Christian School will return to our normal policy for infectious diseases, including COVID-19. As a reminder, the policy reads:

Changes & Expectations

  • If your child becomes ill while at school, parents/guardians will be contacted to make arrangements to take a child home. The child will be isolated and made as comfortable as possible awaiting parent/guardian arrival.
  • If a child has any contagious disease or has had a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting 24 hours prior to school, the parent/guardian is instructed to keep the child at home.
  • Any child with a fever (greater than 99.5) during the previous 12 hours is considered to be potentially infectious and may not be permitted to attend school.
  • Students with cough and sneezes must use tissues to limit the spread of germs. Tissues must be disposed of promptly and properly when soiled. Hands must be washed or an antiseptic gel used after exposure to nasal or oral materials.
  • Children who develop a fever (documented by a school nurse or designee as greater than 99.5 orally) while at school will remain in the office and a parent or ride will be called to sign the child out and take the child home.
Subsequent to our Christian mission is our educational mission; we are raising the next generation of Christian leaders, but children must be allowed unfettered access to school if we are to do that. As you will all recall, in late spring of 2020 we took online education very seriously, but we always saw that as supplemental, not the mainstay of education. In the fall of 2020, we returned to the physical classroom again at a time when so many other schools were treating education as optional. We’ve already seen the positive consequences of that decision. CCS children are thriving and developing intellectually. In fact, our school has grown in this time, drawing parents who take the education of their children very seriously. We have big plans for the future, Lord willing, and we want your family to be a part of it, with your children actively and regularly in attendance at school.

Many parents have recently been concerned because other schools in the area have altered their schedules, or have placed new policies in place. Parents are understandably confused about what schools might do, so it is important for you to understand that we are setting policy based on Christian and educational principles, and not fear the latest headlines. We will continue to meet in the classroom, as scheduled, without special policies, in the confidence that parents will make prudent, commonsense decisions about protecting their own children and our faculty and staff. Just as we depend on our families, you can depend on CCS to provide your children with the highest quality education, based on the highest Christian principles, with the highest level of access possible.


Yours in Christ,

Dr. Richard Scott Nokes

Chairman, Covenant Christian School Commission


In Christ,

Jeff Moore

Covenant Christian School Administrator